Spark a change in your life that leads to the pathway of your dreams. That means your doubts and fears become silent and haters become inspiration. Your thoughts become action and negativity is now a thing of the past. You turn into your number one fan. And when you hear words like individuality, uniqueness, distinctiveness, originality, eccentricity or swag (even though that word has been abused by Soulja Boy) you understand that the common thread for all these words is they share CONFORMITY
(To correspond in form or character; be similar)as there antonym. Which means its impossible for you to stand out if you're too busy trying to blend in......The moral of this story is to take a stand for your dreams and forget what the non-believers think. This is the message i get from the fashion greats like Gaultier, McQueen and Marc Jacobs. They do what they love instead of whats expected.......this reminds me......i am so excited that fashion week is here!