Oh how i love thee...let me count the ways!!! Oh how Chanel excites my inner soul. When i dream of Couture and when i visualize what epitomizes the essence of fashion. I can only think of one name and that name is Chanel. And normally designers are like my babies and i dont like to pick favorites. But if fashion designers were my baby Chanel would be the star athlete in the family, Chanel would be voted prom queen and most likely to succeed. If fashion designers were my babies Chanel would grow up and go to Harvard and the rest of them would be in community college. My point is as much as i love and respect each and every designer Chanel is hands down my favorite and it will always be embedded in my heart for some strange reason. In my own opinion I believe Chanel to be what i would call "the truth". Meaning that i can feel the passion and love that Karl Lagerfeld and Coco Chanel herself has for each article of clothing. Each Runway show i have seen from Chanel has been absolutley flawless and i have only had but one complaint. Why cant i afford this (picture me yelling) ?!?!?! Setting my lack of money aside i am true admirer of Chanel and can only hope they continue to demonstrate how fashion is really suppose to be done.
I will have to repeat that im a great fan of all fashion designers but Chanel is the look i long for. Its so effortlessly clean and so polished. And thats why i define success with Chanel. I know it may sound shallow but i know i am where im suppose to be when i become the proud owner of my very own Vintage Chanel Suit and a Vintage Black leather quilted Chanel Handbag.
But thats just my idea as a happily ever after!