Monday, July 5, 2010
So my sister is a singer and my best friend is a photographer and i am a fabulous wardrobe stylist....and my sister the singer came up to me the stylist and asked for me to come up with a new look to reinvent herself with. So me the stylist went into my own little corner in my own little chair and i begin to ponder. I said to myself "self, what would be the greatest style for my little sis.? I mean she a young, black (obviously), lanky girl and her music of choice is Techno." And then a light bulb literally went off in my head. So, then me the stylist called up my best friend the photographer and came up with an amazing concept. And then i called up my little sister the singer and told her to get her rear end up and ready. And with all that pondering and telephone dialing taking place i decided to take a nap.....(pause for sleeping)......and when i woke up it was nothing but pure magic that took place. And it was Sunday, July 4,2010 that Morris+Janel was created. Morris+Janel is a mixture of my passion with my best friends passion.And the passion obviosuly being fashion and photography.So the moral of this story is that my best friend is better then yours...j/k...but im serious and also very excited for the adventures of Morris+Janel. There has not been a combination better then this since Scottie and Jordan, Peanut Butter and Jelly, Bert and Ernie, Banana's in Pajamas....You get the point!