ALICE+OLIVIA spring 2011 RTW collection was so amazing and so refreshingly spunky! And let me just say that there was not a piece on this collection that i would not wear (if i could afford it) But after looking at this enter collection and the mixing of all the prints and patterns. It immediatly put me in wierd space of when Sex and the City was on the air (not the ones constantly on repeat) and i would anxiously await not only the drama and the Samantha but what Carrie was going to be rocking that week. And how innovative and different her style was. Its like it made sense but didnt all at once. But oddly enough this collection also placed me in another space in a little place called the ocean. When i thought about the glory days of Carrie Bradshaw and how she would mixed and matched her colors, patterns and materials. I realized that fish are the real trend setters and they have been uniquely and fabulously styled since B.C. (before chanel....OH!....and before christ).