Friday, February 26, 2010
In America we have progressed because we faught for the progression. In America we have learned that when we come together in great numbers and lift our voice that change is bound to happen. We have faught for everything from civil rights, gay and lesbian rights all the way to our right to have no smoking in bars. We have not only faught for the rights of human being but we have faught to protect the animals and to protect the enviorment. We have been fighting so hard that we overlooked something equally as important as our freedom of speech. And that is the right to have all forms of beauty represented on the televsion, in the movies, in the magazines and on the internet. We have allowed all media outlets to contradict everything that we have faught for. And that is equality and the right to be from a different culture and still valued. So until every race, size, color and shape are represented we will never internally be free. Because we still have these images telling us despite what we think beauty ownly appears if one is thin or white or fair skin or what ever else impossible projections we have been forced to look at. Although its 2010 in the world of hollywood it is still the mind set of the 1900's. Which means anything that is not white or closely resembles white is unacceptable. And i guess the question that crosses my mind is how much real talented has been overlooked because they dont look the part? So in this era that prides itself on change i say its time to lift our voice and say enough is enough. I am tired of look at the same stick figure with boobs and blonde hair on the televison screen. Show me a woman and a man who even through there flaws are still beautiful. But this is all just my opinion that was fueled by an episode on Tyra....But she is right is time for a change!