Wednesday, February 10, 2010

THE WOMAN I LOVE THE MOST (in a non-lesbian (not that there is anything wrong with lesbians) type of way)

Annie-Cakes (thats what i call her in my mind during our imaginary convo's) aka Anna Wintour aka freaking fabulous.After looking  at approximately five hundred and four pictures of this lady on And looking at nine different interviews on and then reading her biography on i realized that i am absolutely mesmerized by this woman who is feared but greatly respectly and most importantly always glam-tastic. The one thing i love the most about this woman outside of her wardrobe and wardrobe allowance is her composure and the way she presents herself. If i were the editor in chief at Vogue (which is the bible of fashion) i would probably having personally committed myself in a mental institution. But this petite, frail looking woman is without emotion and very decisive when it comes to business. And because of her i have something to read while im suppose to be learning in class. So i thank my little Annie-cakes for the distraction at the time in which i should reeeaally be listening.