Monday, June 28, 2010

These shoes are the most hideous things ever but anything made out of green carpet gets my vote!


Why is vintage shopping always so inspiring. I always wonder when i slip into a Chanel suit from the forties if this woman had the best times of her life in that dress. I imagine she was from an extremely wealthy family and she was secretly, madly in love with the help. I cant help but hope that when i slip into a dress from the fifties was the women in the front row and screaming at the top of her lungs at an Elvis Presley concert. Maybe he even looked at her winked, curled his lip up and wiggled his hips for her. I just love the feeling of sliding my hands into a perfect pair of gloves from the sixties. I know it belonged to a young black women that was standing outside in the cold listening to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. speak hope into the souls of black people. And when i place one leg at a time into some hot pants from the seventies i know they belong to a girl that was young, hot,rebellious and a probably high from some type of herbal "supplement". She represented freedom and the right to party whenever and wherever.
I just wish when you go vintage shopping that inside those tags were a biography of the woman who originally owned the article of clothing you have chosen to revive. Because if these clothes could talk i bet they would never shut up!

11/18/09-THROWBACK(this is one of my first post)

Fashion is in the eye of the beholder. I use to wonder was i educated on fashion enough or do i have what it takes to be in that particular industry. Do i have to say "fabulous" and "fierce" after every sentence to truly belong? Do i need to know designer names from Alexander McQueen all the way Yves Saint Laurent? Will i actual have to watch and apprectiate every fashion show that goes on during fashion week and discover the story that each designer is trying to convey? Or if i miss reading an issue of Vogue will i be outcasted from the fashion society? But then i realized i have a true love affair with anything that involves garments, shoes and accessories. The idea of walking into a thrift store and taking these discarded items and making them beautiful again gives me a high that should be illegal. The site of High Fashion and couture (or anything i cant afford) makes me all warm and tingly on the inside. I slowly but surely began to realize i am having an emotional love affair with fashion that has grown into a full blown obsession. An obsession that has help me realize that fashion is what you make it out to be. Its not about keeping up with what the stars are wearing or the latest fads. Its about the art of expression and distinguishing yourself from the rest. So now i know that i can give a rats ass about what the media or "fashion critcs" have to say about whats in and whats out or about whats hot and whats not because the only opinion that ultimately matters is mine. Because like i stated in the beginning Fashion is in the eye of the beholder.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Monday, June 21, 2010


 I have come to terms with the realizations that although i love to read Vogue and Nylon Magazine just like every other inspiring fashionista. I have to face the facts that.the only thing i can afford in these magazines are the subscription to the magazine. And although i have your occassional gucci this and fendi that. The fact is i cant even pretend to keep up with the jones. But because i still have a respect and appreciation for the finer things in life i found a talent in finding the loop hole to high fashion.Whether its tackling an old lady to get the last dress on sale at The Nieman Marcus Outlet, or hiding shoes in the infant department in stores until i find the funds to pay for my addiction, Or ripping a button off a blouse just so i can get an extra 15% off (dont judge me). But like i said before its meant for me to be glam-tastic. And the moral of this story is almost a biblical message....and that is where there is a will there is a way. And if God wants you to be awesomely fashionable he will lead your heart and spirit to that sale or to that clearance rack.

I am not sure where i bought any of this stuff from but i can tell you this is a floral cooking apron wrapped around a floral dress. And the merging of these two patterns seemed effortless. And the african inspired necklace is courtesy of my mother (i'm obsessed with her jewelry).This outfit represents absolute freedom for me. 

Sunday, June 13, 2010


For the past four or five years i have had an on going love affair with the GOODWILL. I love the fact that its a place in which people can clean out there closets and provide a good deed all in one. Its a time when a woman can face the fact that maybe after three kids the little black dress is now the little black disaster. Its the time when a woman can surrendor all her clothes from the 80's and enter 2010 with the rest of us. My point is while throwing out there past they are helping someone else's future. And than its the gift that keeps giving because that LBD that no longer fits you may fit me perfectly and rather paying department store prices i grab it for $6.99!!! And then my money goes to place that will benefit more than just the company. Well at least thats how it goes in my brain. But the real reason i love love looooooove the GW is because its a challenge and the thrill of the hunt. I mean lets face it....80 percent of the stuff in the GW is used, abused and not worth a penny with a hole in it. But once you run across the rare 20 percent its like a little piece of heaven or Trey Songz has landed in your lap. That Trey Songz is so beautiful that i think its a sin just to look at him. But anywho back to the orignial subject....When i enter the GW it forces me to go in open minded becuase if i focus on one thing specifically i will be disappointed. The GW doesnt guarentee to have this seasons styles it just guarentee's low prices. And it is up to me to make whatever I pick up to look amazingly current and fresh. Because no one actually wants to look like they shop in the used goods section.  But after I find my treasure the real fun begins when i leave the GW and hit the mean streets of Houston. When I get to decieve people by looking expensive for less. And im sure any fashionista can agree that i get more compliments when im in a piece from the GW or any thrift store than i do when im walking around in Fendi. Its the catch 22 of fashion and i freaking love it.