Monday, June 28, 2010

11/18/09-THROWBACK(this is one of my first post)

Fashion is in the eye of the beholder. I use to wonder was i educated on fashion enough or do i have what it takes to be in that particular industry. Do i have to say "fabulous" and "fierce" after every sentence to truly belong? Do i need to know designer names from Alexander McQueen all the way Yves Saint Laurent? Will i actual have to watch and apprectiate every fashion show that goes on during fashion week and discover the story that each designer is trying to convey? Or if i miss reading an issue of Vogue will i be outcasted from the fashion society? But then i realized i have a true love affair with anything that involves garments, shoes and accessories. The idea of walking into a thrift store and taking these discarded items and making them beautiful again gives me a high that should be illegal. The site of High Fashion and couture (or anything i cant afford) makes me all warm and tingly on the inside. I slowly but surely began to realize i am having an emotional love affair with fashion that has grown into a full blown obsession. An obsession that has help me realize that fashion is what you make it out to be. Its not about keeping up with what the stars are wearing or the latest fads. Its about the art of expression and distinguishing yourself from the rest. So now i know that i can give a rats ass about what the media or "fashion critcs" have to say about whats in and whats out or about whats hot and whats not because the only opinion that ultimately matters is mine. Because like i stated in the beginning Fashion is in the eye of the beholder.