Why is vintage shopping always so inspiring. I always wonder when i slip into a Chanel suit from the forties if this woman had the best times of her life in that dress. I imagine she was from an extremely wealthy family and she was secretly, madly in love with the help. I cant help but hope that when i slip into a dress from the fifties was the women in the front row and screaming at the top of her lungs at an Elvis Presley concert. Maybe he even looked at her winked, curled his lip up and wiggled his hips for her. I just love the feeling of sliding my hands into a perfect pair of gloves from the sixties. I know it belonged to a young black women that was standing outside in the cold listening to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. speak hope into the souls of black people. And when i place one leg at a time into some hot pants from the seventies i know they belong to a girl that was young, hot,rebellious and a probably high from some type of herbal "supplement". She represented freedom and the right to party whenever and wherever.
I just wish when you go vintage shopping that inside those tags were a biography of the woman who originally owned the article of clothing you have chosen to revive. Because if these clothes could talk i bet they would never shut up!